We moved to Las Vegas because we love to dress up and go out, knowing we can just as easily wear jeans or sequins (or both).  What we REALLY love is the astounding array of EVERYTHING.  But that requires that we diligently scour our sources for the best.  That is what we want to share with you — the best.


The Strip has BIG everything – shows, noise, crowds, prices.   The casino resorts all have one steak restaurant, one Italian restaurant, one Mexican restaurant, one Asian restaurant, and the ubiquitous food court. Wonderful production shows abound. We want you to enjoy all these things. But…you have options.

Travel in any direction and the rest of the valley comes out of the shadows, ready to welcome you.



V.I.V.E. Las Vegas wants to share “our” Las Vegas (and beyond). Imagine countless ethnic cuisines, attractions, and adventures. Unique museums, theater productions, outdoor activities and music – lots of music – enjoy it all. Our locals’ favorites are closely guarded, but we offer you the opportunity to experience the other side of Las Vegas.

Intrigued? Interested? Carve out some time for this unique experience and let us plan your itinerary.

Our questionnaire will give us the needed information to create your custom adventure. Begin the process HERE.

Start with our Entertainment Calendar — only locals with REAL talent.

Do you need a little help? Some ideas? Try THESE.

V.I.V.E. las Vegas addresses the “WHAT-IFS,” too.

THIS IS REALLY COOL –  You can add your favorite restaurant, entertainment venue or service business.  If you are an artist or are promoting one, submit your gig HERE for inclusion on our calendar.  You can also submit by going to the Event Calendar on the menu bar above and clicking on Community: Submit Event . All entries will be pending review before publishing.

* V.I.V.E. Las Vegas receives no compensation from any of our recommended entities. We have nothing to do with drugs (legal or not) and/or sex.